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      Shrestha Deb

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Kolkata

      Not Available

      Not Available

      About jobseeker :


      K . J Sreelakshmi

      Food Processing (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Kochi

      Rs. 500000 - Rs. 1000000

      About jobseeker : BTech Food Technology scholar seeking new opportunities


      Spoorthi Gamanagatti

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Not Available

      Not Available

      Not Available

      About jobseeker :


      Piyush Sharma

      Food Processing (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Jaipur

      Rs. 500000 - Rs. 1000000

      About jobseeker : My name is Piyush Sharma , I am currently studing in my post-graduation from Sharda University and my course is M.S.c Food Science and Technology Last semester.

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