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      Athiba fathima M

      Food Processing (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Tiruchirappalli

      Rs. 250000 - Rs. 500000

      About jobseeker : I am a graduate of B.Voc (Food Processing and Safety) in Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy. I had passed out my graduation in the This year 2022, June, I am seeking and in need of a job coordinating my field and making me much more interesting to get through it and acknowledge me even more and make me even more wiser and wisest. With this job i can assure that you can see my loyalty, responsibility, punctuality and a wast development in the field you appoint me with the peak of my efforts.


      Shalini Devendra Turkar

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Not Available

      Not Available

      Not Available

      About jobseeker :


      Shaily Tripathi

      Food Processing (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Mumbai

      Rs. 250000 - Rs. 500000

      About jobseeker : Under Graduate in the field of Biotechnology from AKS University. Highly capable and motivated foodBiotechnology professional and also having problem solving skills. Possesses extensive knowledge of FoodBiotechnology. Have a good knowledge of biological laboratory safety.



      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Chennai

      Not Available

      Not Available

      About jobseeker :

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