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      Food Processing (Exp. 2.2 Year)

      Location : Nashik

      Rs. 250000 - Rs. 500000

      About jobseeker : I'm a enthusiastic food technologist, and nutritionist. I have an experience in food nutraceutical and Baby food company in R&D department. Following are some areas of my working, 1. Working on new product development. 2. Improve existing products quality and purity. 3. Follow good lab practices. 4. Planned for the production. 5. Handling retort in production. 6. Coordinate with vendors and search for new. 7. Take decision in day to day operation of company.


      Mandeep Singh

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Rohtak

      Not Available

      Not Available

      About jobseeker :


      Ganesh Vitthal sadar

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Akola

      Not Available

      Not Available

      About jobseeker :


      Anit Ajish

      Not Available (Exp. Not Available)

      Location : Kochi

      Not Available

      Not Available

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